All Members must be baptized in the Orthodox Faith
CALIFORNIA (Ratified Dec. 7, 1989)
A. Members of the church-School Congregation are parishioners of
Saint Petka who have voluntarily obligated themselves to support the
church both materially and morally.
B. Goals of the Church-School Congregation:
1. To unite families and individuals of the Serbian orthodox
faith on the territory of the Saint Petka Church- School
Congregation in the community of faith, in the spirit of
Orthodox Christian respect, to encourage individuals to work
on their salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ our
Lord and Savior, a pious and sacramental life in His Holy
2. To advance spiritual, cultural, and educational
activities among members, instruct them in the tenets of the
Serbian Orthodox Church, church and national history,
customs, and to encourage the preservation of the Serbian
heritage and language.
3. To strengthen its members in the Orthodox faith and
morals and to propagate the spirit of mutual love, respect,
and unity among its members.
4. To work on construction of homes for the elderly and
other needed objects, and their maintenance of the property
of the Church-School Congregation which serve to regulate
local needs.
B. Requirements for Membership:
1. Persons who are qualified to become members of this
Church-School Congregation are Orthodox men and women who
obligate themselves and promise to aid this Church-School
Congregation morally and materially and to live according to
the teachings of the Serbian Orthodox Church and faith.
a. Candidates for membership must be at least 18
years old.
b. The Executive Board of the Church-School
Congregation, at their regular meeting, renders
decisions by majority vote on the acceptance or
rejection of a candidate.
c. A person who is not accepted as a member must be
notified by letter. He or she has the right to
appeal to the Diocesan Executive Board within
fourteen (14) days from receipt of the notice.
2. A person Who desires to become a member of this
Church-school Congregation must complete the standard
membership applications forms. The application form contains
the necessary information relative to the candidate as
determined by the Diocese, to enable the Parish Priest and
Executive church Board to evaluate his qualifications for
3. The decision of the Diocesan Executive Board on appeal is
final and obligatory for both sides.
4. No one can be a regular member of more than one
Church-School Congregation.
C. RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEMBERS: Members in good standing of this
Church-School Congregation are those persons who regularly fulfill
their spiritual and moral obligations to the Church and
Church-congregation and who also, with their exemplary Christian
life, fulfill other requirements prescribed for members of this
Church-School Congregation:
1. Is a member in good standing of this Parish;
2. Is at least 18 years of age;
3. Is of exemplary life and behavior according to the moral
teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church:
4. Is ready at all times to defend the interest of the
Serbian OrthodoxChurch and Orthodoxy in general.
5. Enjoys the good reputation of a pious Christian and good
citizen, and is a fruitful member of this Church-School
6. Participates regularly in the worship of church according
to his/her circumstances;
7. Receives regularly the Holy Sacraments of confession and
communion in his/her Parish Church and performs other
Christian duties prescribed by the Church.
8. Is obedient to the rules of the by-laws of the
church-School Congregation, decisions of higher bodies, and
rules of the Serbian Orthodox Church;
9. To show respect toward the Parish Priest and other
10. To aid and further spiritual and material progress of
this church-School Congregation and the Serbian Orthodox
Church in general.
D. PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERS After being members in good standing for at
least six (6) months, they have the privileges and obligations which
are as follows:
1. Attend Annual Assembly meetings, regular membership
meetings, participate in discussion, vote in accordance with
the rules of these by-laws and special rules and
2. Attend by invitation only the Executive Board meetings,
make suggestions and proposals;
3. Enjoy privileges regarding various church taxes, which
are prescribed for membership of this Church-School
4. Entitle wife/husband of the member in good standing to
all privileges except the right to vote at Annual Assembly
or regular meetings of the membership;
5. A non-Orthodox husband/wife of a member cannot be elected
to the Executive Board of this Church-School Congregation;
6. After being a member in good standing for one (1) year, a
member may be elected to the Executive Board of this
Church-School Congregation provided he fulfills the
requirements as determined by these By-Laws.
E. The following persons cannot be members of this Church- School
1. Persons who are proven to have scandalized others by
their immoral conduct and life:
2. Persons who can be proven to work against the Church,
Diocese and Orthodoxy;
3. Those who openly admit and can be proven to be
anarchists, communists, nihilists, and bigamists, and those
who openly support them.
F. CESSATION OF MEMBERSHIP - Membership ceases by:
1. Death of a member:
2. Voluntary decision;
3. Transfer from the territory of this Church-school
Congregation and taking membership of another Church-School
4. Sentence by ecclesiastical court decree;
5. Embezzlement of church property in which case the
Executive Board brings charges in local civil court for
6. A member whose membership dues are in arrears for three
(3) years (may renew his rights by his obligations for three
(3) years).