Saint Petka Church Wedding Mitre Saint Petka Church Wedding

Prerequisites for Wedding Requests

In the Holy Orthodox Church, the sacrament of Marriage is not a right, but a privilege granted to those who have properly prepared for such a serious endeavor as Holy Marriage. It must be noted that nothing that Holy Mysteries or Sacraments which an Orthodox Christian engages in ever merely a private transaction between two individuals. When a husband and wife marry in the Holy Orthodox Church, they are involving, by necessity, an event which Jesus Christ Himself participates through Grace, by which the priest celebrates in person, and by the praying community, the church participates in collectively. In view of this "ecclesial" dimension of marriage, therefore, a wedding must be performed within the context of the Orthodox Church in order for the Church to recognize and affirm the validity and authenticity of the marriage. Expecting the church to act in any other way would be to expect the church to act in a manner less than She is. It would be considered unjust to demand of Her to be any less than She is deemed to be by our Lord Jesus Christ. At St. Petka Serbian Orthodox Church, we will always seek to maintain the highest level of integrity when it comes to sharing not only the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, but to witness faithfully the seriousness of His Divine Mysteries.

Frequently Asked Questions